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The sculpture, "Toby and the Walnut,"

Priced at $1,000,000.00 

(does NOT include shipping and handling)

We found this walnut on a moonlight stroll through Dreamland. Imagine our surprise when the shell flipped open -- by itself, of course -- and out popped . . . well, out popped this oh-so-wee, bewhiskered, big-eyed, sorta chihuahua-like creature, tail a'waggin happily.

We don't know what he is exactly, but he sure likes to be held and stroked and cooed over (his wee body practically hums with excitement with each stroke). He also likes walnuts, chocolate and aeronautic ballet (to see him fly is to witness a miracle).

No doubt about it, we love out new "pet." He can't "fetch the paper," but he's house-broken, happy, and thoroughly entertaining.

Mermaids, Fairies and The Fantasy Within Collection